The drawings in this series explore the idea of flux and focus through simple interactions. A large blot of ink is applied to delicate Kozo paper and allowed to dry. The blot suggests a response, which I add with ink and gouache. The images seem to be generated out of the material of the page.
A meditation on our perceptions of time, this series is based loosely on the structure of a medieval Book of Hours.The traditional “Hours of the Virgin” include eight texts to be recited at the eight canonical hours of the day. These divide the day into three hour segments, beginning with Matins and ending with Compline.
This group of paintings is an antidote to strict color studies. Instead of the spare, dry grids of color represented in most treatises on color theory, I wondered if I might come to a better understanding by studying objects I find most representative of pure hues. As I observed the color on familiar objects, I asked the question: where do rational knowledge and a painter’s intuition meet ?
Influenced by the tradition of memento mori, these paintings explore the line between sensual beauty and reminders of mortality. The interiors of conch shells provide the lush pink surfaces in these studio still-lives